The vessel of the now


Here’s an insight into The vessel of the Now

If Gregory Orr’s Concerning the Book That Is the Body of the Beloved is a heartfelt homage to all stories told, then The Vessel of the Now is a flippant disowning of each of those stories for the incremental moments that comprise them. The poems in Ink’s latest chapbook, with humor and tilted head, examine the frame around abstracted moments to challenge the reader to laugh at and think about (but mostly laugh at) the worlds within fractions. Inconsequential in the most enjoyable way while shunning humility with faux shame, The Vessel of the Now is ready to accept you at the turn of every page, at every line, and upon every word/syllable/sound.

Here is a taster poem from the chapbook to arouse your poetry appetite:

The Vessel of the Now is an open-air cage.
With what ornaments does it sing?
What moments call it home?

It sings you to the world
and the world
to all who would look into
The Vessel of the Then.

But that is a different song
a misnomer.

BR8: 17 March 2023. Poetry chapbook. 32 pages

The Vessel of the Now



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